Evaluation System
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Evaluation System
St. Ann’s follows Credit Based Semester System (CBSS) & Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) integrating continuous internal assessment along with end semester evaluation.
Under CBCS, an academic year consists of two semesters (odd and even) and performance of students are declared in terms of grades and Grade point average. The institution assesses every student’s performance by both Continuous Internal Assessment – CIA and End Semester Examination-ESE.
- The ratio of CIA and ESE is 30:70 for U.G. and P.G.
- A student has to earn the minimum prescribed credits for the award of degree.
- A 10-point absolute grade system is adopted for calculation of Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) and Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA).

Presently, based on feedback/suggestions from parent university/BOS members examcell had deliberaed the following policy revisions to be implemented from the academic year 2021-22 from R21 batch on wards

Continuous Internal Assessments CIA
Two written internal tests of twenty marks each for duration of 1 hour and the third test for 10 marks by way of Seminars / Quiz / Assignment etc are conducted. Another 10 Marks is given for regularity-Attendance as per the given table. The total marks 60 obtained through all the above modes is then scaled down to 30.

- A student can appeal to the course teacher or approach the head of the Department for any clarification, regarding evaluation, immediately after receiving the valued scripts.
- A student absent for any internal exams will lose the marks in the test.
- No retest or improvement is conducted for internal assessment, seminars and Project Work.
- Retest will be conducted only if a student is absent due to authorized participation in college programmes like sports, competition, NCC/NSS activities etc.
End Semester Examination ESE
75% of attendance is compulsory for all the students to appear the end semester Examinations.
- Condonation up to 10% may be considered by the Principal on medical grounds / on a case to case basis.
- Passing minimum is 40% in ESE and 40% in aggregate (marks in the end semester and internal examination put together) for both theory and practicals.
- A student who has not cleared a paper in ESE can appear for the paper in the next even semester. All backlog exams are conducted in the even semesters.
- For Practicals, 50% of evaluation is done by internal examiner and 50% by an external examiner chosen for each paper from the approved panel of examiners.