Chemistry Club

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                CHEM CLUB

 Connect. Communicate. Collaborate


  • Excellence in teaching, Research and community service, to provide inclusive learning environment, to foster Problem solving skills, to develop a positive attitude among learners and raise their interest in chemistry.


  • Encourage participation to understand the importance and joy of learning chemistry.
  • To provide an opportunity to the learners to get hands on experience.
  • To ignite the interest in future leaders to pursue Chemistry as majors.
  • To collaborate with various organisations to serve the society in the best possible manner.


  • To provide an amazing platform to experience the joy of teaching chemistry beyond classroom.
  •  Gain Knowledge, enhance critical thinking skills,
  • Collaborate with other organizations
  •  Enhance mentor – mentee relations

The Department of Chemistry has formally inaugurated ChemClub on 26th September 2022. The advisory board meeting was held successfully with the following members on the activities


Student Members

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