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Quality Connect
The Vision
- To emerge as a ‘Quality connect’ by developing a system for conscious, consistent and catalytic action towards quality enhancement through innovation, ideation, internalization of quality culture and institutionalization of best practices.
The Mission
- academic excellence.
- To stimulate the academic environment for promotion of quality of teaching-learning and research.
- To modernize the classroom experience by integrating ICT in regular teaching, learning and research and create globally competent students.
- To promote the basic moral, social and spiritual values necessary for holistic development in tune with our vision .
- To act as a change agent in the institution.
The Quality Strategy
- Strategic planning to set priorities, focus energy and resources, strengthen existing practices, and ensure that all units are working toward common quality goals.
- To leverage our strengths and build new competencies in tune with the changing times and in accordance with our long term vision.
- To develop quality systems with consciousness, reliability and transparency for attaining best results for the academic and administrative performance of the institution and to set benchmarks for periodic evaluation for improvements, significant growth and achievements.
- To provide a sound basis for decision-making to improve institutional functioning.
- To collaborate with other stakeholders of higher education for quality evaluation, promotion and sustenance.
IQAC – People engagement Strategy
Understanding the crucial elements of the academic and administrative process that have the biggest effects on the stakeholders and aiding in the identification of the precise areas to concentrate on in order to improve the quality of education is part of the people engagement strategy with “Engagement, Efficiency, Effectiveness, and IQAC” as its pillars. Decision-making freedom without seeking permission from superiors was the goal of autonomy. Have faith that workers will perform their duties competently without continual supervision.
The functions
- To keep the institution abreast of and abuzz with quality sustenance activities on a wide gamut of pertinent issues through international/national/other academic events to expose the students and teachers to new frontiers of knowledge thereby strengthening the fortitude of the institutions leading to holistic development.
- Development of benchmarks for the various academic and administrative activities of the college.
- Development of Institutional data base and documentation of the various activates leading to quality improvement.
- Formulate and suggest strategies for continuous improvement at an operational level and combine Issues that need approval at appropriate levels like Academic Council or Governing Body.
- Quality Assurance through documentation and academic audit.
- Quality improvement through interactive forums.
- Preparation of mandatory quality reports, coordinate for assessment, accreditation and awards
- Dissemination of information on the various quality parameters of higher education.
- Administering Feedback Mechanism from students, parents and other stakeholders on quality-related institute ional processes.