Parents Committee
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Parents Committee
- To share the achievements of the college in academic, sports and other activities
- To inform the parents about the various opportunities made available for students and encourage them to guide their wards.
- To create awareness among parents about the exam portals and other apps available to check the child’s, attendance, performance etc.
The meeting was held on 11/3/2023 Saturday from 10.30 the A.V room of the college. The meeting started with a prayer by the coir girls led by Mrs. Sowjanya, lecturer department of Math. The convener parents association Dr. P. Usha Shri greeted and welcomed the parents to the annual parents meet. Madam acknowledged their trust in the college and thanked them for being a part of the St. Ann’s family. Mrs. Jaya, lecturer department of physics invited the deans and the Principal on to the dais and was responsible for compeering the entire event.
Principal Dr. Sr. P. Amrutha addressed the parents and informed them about the performance of the students in sports at the college and University level and appreciated the students and parents for being the university champion for 13 years in a row. Principal also talked about the placements of the college and proudly informed the parents about the highest package as 10 lakhs per annum and the least as 3 lakhs. She expressed her concern about the students who are brilliant and are not interested in being placed.
 Dr. Smita asthana, Dean Academics and IQAC coordinator talked about student participation in the events organized at national level and insisted that the parents should allow their child to participate in the events conducted outside the college. She explained how students are encouraged for internship programmes, foreign exchange programmes and the involvement of students in research and publication of papers. Madam asked the parents to guide and mentor their ward and keep a close watch on them so that they don’t get deviated from their goal.
Dr. Meena Patangey, Dean Administration and Head department of Nutrition spoke about the importance of punctuality and regularity in student life. She emphasized on the regularity of students and said that the skill development in the lab hours will be affected if the student is not regular. She also requested the parents to guide the students in judicious use of mobile phones so that they don’t get stuck to the phones and miss the important things.
Dr. Radhai, COE spoke regarding the results of the previous batches and the success of the convocation. She explained about the college exam portal and asked the parents to log in and check the performance of the student. Madam informed the parents about the various app designed by the college for easy access to the students information. She briefed about the LMS app of the college and how the students will be benefited by them.
After the talk the parents were asked to give their suggestion and ask queries. A parent of one of the student of Data analytics appreciated the college for taking care of the girl students very well and suggested that the topics covered in the previous semester were not up to mark and asked principal if she can provide addition support to the student to learn. He opined that the college should invite other colleges for activities instead of sending the students to others premises. This was clearly clarified by sister principal by saying that the college also organizes national and regional events at the collage,
Another parent of a student from B.A program appreciated the college and its staff for maintaining the legacy of the institution. He was overwhelmed by his daughter’s visit to Chennai for internship and thanked the staff and the management for providing such an opportunity to his child.
Feedback and registrations were circulated and collected by the Mrs. Madhuri paul form P.G department. Refreshments was taken care by Mrs. Suneetha, Head department of economics. Vote of thanks was proposed by Mrs. Sujatha, lecturer department of commerce. Dr. Divya, lecturer department of zoology coordinated with everyone and made arrangements for the parents meet. The meeting closed with the National anthem.