Program Specific Outcomes / Course Outcomes
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Program Specific Outcomes Course Outcome
Program Specific Outcomes
After completing these courses, the student would obtain
- PSO1. Students gain a practical understanding of Mass Communication And Journalism concepts, principles, theories, and models.
- PSO2. Students work in groups and individually to design, write, edit, and report for campus newspapers, magazines, journals, research papers, and research proposals.
- PSO3. Develop skills in creating compelling content for news, documentary content writing, scriptwriting, and other writing sequences for advertisements and films, as well as an understanding of current filmmaking technologies and keeping up with innovations.
- PSO4. Identify societal issues and develop successful public relations, advertising campaigns, media, and marketing strategies to address them
- PSO5. Create content for radio, television, and social media platforms, as well as improve creative writing and critical thinking skills, in order to establish a unique personality in the media field.
- PSO6. Use a thorough understanding of media laws, social sciences, cultural studies, and communication theories to practice moral and ethical journalism.
- PSO7. Acquire practical knowledge of print, radio, television, and digital media through the use of advanced technology that will aid in research and placement.
- PSO8. Develop rural communication strategies for backward and marginalised parts by reaching out to them through outreach programmes, which will aid in understanding the target audience’s requirements and successfully communicating with them in order to bring about the societal change required.
- PSO9. Internships, research, and field visits will help you gain a better grasp of the practical working conditions in the field of print, electronic, and digital media.
Course Outcome
Course title – Introduction to Communication & Journalism)
Course code – JOU -101
Students completing this course will be able to
CO1: Interpret the process of communication, including different forms levels, and barriers.
CO 2: Execute the communication models and their application
CO3: Analyse the Media Systems and Communication Theories
CO 4: Outline the wide array of communication from folk media to Social media.
Course title Mass Media In India
Course code – JOU 202
Students completing this course will be able to
CO1 : Estimate the emergence and growth of press in the Indian sub-continent.
CO 2 : Acquaint the challenges faced by early eminent journalists of the country and the values and morals with which they produced their newspapers.
CO 3 : Familiarize the media laws and ethics essential for every media professional’s market affect pricing and output.
CO4 : Understand the evolution of mass media in India.
Course title : Reporting and Editing for print media
Course code – JOU 303
Students completing this course will be able to
CO 1 : know the current trends and challenges of the News Paper industry.
CO 2 : develop a general understanding of Print media contents, layout, and designs.
CO 3 : Differentiate the various types of newspaper paper and their target audience.
CO 4 : Learn the management structure, advertising, sales, promotions, and subscription.
Course title – Broadcast Journalism
Course code – JOU-404
Students completing this course will be able to
CO1: Evaluate the Concepts of radio as a medium of mass communication, radio broadcasting technicalities, and AM and FM radio.
CO 2 : Understand Concept of the evolution of television in India.
CO 3 : Familiarize of Radio and TV program formats, news formats .
CO 4 : Understand the Concept of television newsroom structure and Concept of radio studio layout theoretically and a visit practically to a radio station for a better understanding.
Course title – ADVERTISING
Course code -505 -A
Students completing this course will be able to
CO1 Acknowledge the basic steps in advertising, types of advertisements, and the creation of an ad campaign.
CO2: Design an advertising message that gets the attention of the prospective buyer in a segmented population.
CO3: Discuss current legal and ethical standards related to the practice of advertising.
CO4: Learn to plan an advertising campaign consistent with the goals of an organization
Course title –News Reading and Anchoring
Course code -505-B
Students completing this course will be able to
CO1: Develop the skills to think critically about the News and to learn Voice Modulation, live news anchoring, and field reporting.
CO2: Learn the qualities of a good news reporter and news anchor.
CO3: Report news conduct the progrmmes and bulletin production n electronic media.
CO4: organize live shows, group discussions, and exclusive interviews with experts in any field.
Course Title Public Relations
Course code: 606 A
Students completing this course will be able to
CO1: Know the Public Relations concepts, importance, functions, and elements.
CO2: Gain knowledge of corporate identity and image, corporate social responsibility, and crisis management with the help of case studies.
CO3; Learn about the various tools of public relations and practice writing press releases and designing house journals.
CO4: Develop campaign organizing skills and SWOT tests and crisis management plans.
Course Title Digital Journalism
Course code: 606 B
Students completing this course will be able to
CO1: Define online newspapers and characteristics
CO2: Identify the difference between online journalism and traditional journalism.
CO3: Acquire knowledge about page layout, graphic images, table content, and indexes.
CO4: Learn about desktop publishing for print