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The vision and single-minded dedication of Society of St. Anne, Phirangipuram (SSAP) saw the college evolve from a humble beginning with just two courses, to a model college with all possible conventional and restructured courses added at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. The various foundation courses, certificate courses and career oriented UGC sponsored add-on courses have contributed towards enriching the curriculum. The academic, social and spiritual elements of St. Ann’s college education combine to open windows of global opportunities.
In forty plus years of its existence the college has made a name for itself for providing holistic development of our students by its academic environment, student support services, Mentorship programme, Placement opportunities, MOUs, Outreach programme – SAHHARA, and excellent infrastructure facilities.
Having achieved success and recognition in the form of successive ‘A’ grades in two successive cycles and A+ grade in 3rd cycle by NAAC and being designated as “College with potential for Excellence” (CPE) by the UGC in 2010 and 2014, College is now ready to embark on the next journey in its quest for excellence – the journey to establish brand “St. Ann’s”.
As an institution we are committed to the development of academic values, quality standards and stakeholder engagement. But how do we innovate further in the field of higher education? What roadmap can we plan for the future? To develop courses in accordance with global employability, assure quality enhancement and sustenance in education, Autonomy as a comprehensive strategy to improve student outcomes emerged as the answer.
The needs of students are constantly changing. Institutions cannot become innovative and responsive to change unless there is decentralization of planning, management and decision- making. Through autonomy we envisage freedom and flexibility to design need based courses which are multi-disciplinary and interdisciplinary thus fostering global competency among the students. Greater transparency in evaluation and grading for a higher degree of acceptability from the stakeholders is expected.

The college aims at the following objectives through the platform of Autonomy

In addition to introducing relevant academic programs and ensuring the professional development of the teaching faculty, the college has taken into account the upgradation of its infrastructure while framing a long-term master plan for institutional growth. Introduction of technological ambience in class room teaching, office and examination automation, augmentation of library resources and laboratory equipment were some of the measures taken up to improve efficiency and support the new and improved curriculum.
As an educational institution we play a critical role in maintaining quality education and with autonomy we hope to play a more important role in the progress and future of the country. College with its innovation, experimentation, transparency and quality improvement achieved to receive the extension of grant of autonomy status till 2030-31 AY.